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List Of Good Research Paper Topics That Can Make For An Outstanding Project

You are just about to do your last paper which is definitely a research project in college before you can graduate and perhaps go for a second degree or face the world in the job market. But then a problem or a hurdle that seems to hinder your progress is that you simply cannot formulate a good study topic for the project. On this, many questions would be racing through your mind especially with regard to what makes a good topic. Well, there is no doubt that there are plenty of issues that can be written on but perhaps what makes one outstanding is that it meets the set criteria for something researchable. In this regard, one of the options you will explore is to go back to your notes and take a look at characteristic of a good study topic before you can land a good one. This notwithstanding, it is important to make sure that the topic touches on your area of study. Well, in this article, we take a look at a number of titles or topic ideas that cut across a number of specializations so that everything is open to your choice. Let’s take a look

  • The issue of abortion has remained a big debate. It is a crime to abort but certain laws are rather controversial on this instead of providing straightforward questions. On this premise, you can look at a topic like should abortion be fully legalized?
  • Women have for many decades now fought for affirmative action. This is another area of interest which can make a good research topic. An example to consider would be something like; has gender parity turned into reverse discrimination?
  • Education is fundamental for every child’s development across the world, however, some issues need to be addressed and it is on this that you can pen a study topic. For example, a topic like should curriculum be unified for all countries across the world?
  • You may also want to look at a topic on crime for example, is the police being militarized?
  • The internet has brought good ends to the world today. There are issues a researcher may want to look into with an example being is today’s child smarter than one born three decades ago with reference to IT?
  • Is Obama healthcare a good thing for America’s middle class?

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